"Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

Dan Tobyne

Dan Tobyne a photographer and native New Englander, has been involved in photography for more than 40 years. Early in his career as a teacher of at-risk youth he helped develop a wilderness education program that used photography as a behavior-modification tool. His work is on display in public and private collections throughout New England and he is the author of the books Boston's Emerald Necklace, Thoreau's Cape Cod, Thoreau's Maine Woods, and Scenic Maine Road Trips. Dan has two new book due for publication in 2016; Beachcombing the Northeast, The Shipwright and the Schooner, Thoreau’s Cape Cod (new edition), Thoreau’s Walden, and Urban Archeology Boston . His new book project is, Paddling the Northern Forest Canoe Trail.

Caitlyn Tobyne

Caitlyn Tobyne has the eye of a photographer. She assists with field work and on location shooting, as well as advertising and public appearances. She is a graduate of Curry College, where she was a two sport varsity athlete. She assists in print sales, and is branching into online book sales. Her current project is building her online website, CMT Books.